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我不知道我的保险是否能在新世纪做直付(直接结算Direct Billing)?
I’m not sure if my insurance is in the New Century Direct billing list? 回答:您可以在新世纪官网查阅直付保险目录,如果上面没有查阅到您的保险公司,还可以在就诊前先联系我们工作人员再次确认。 A: You can check the direct billing insurance list on our Corporate Websites. If you do not find your insurer in the list you can always contact our staff for confirmation. |
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我的保险在新世纪没有签订直付协议,怎么办? If my insurance is not in the list, what should I do? 回答:您需要自己付费,然后事后自行联系保险公司递交相关材料做理赔。我们工作人员会给您出具正式的账单和发票。 A: We recommend you pay and claim. Our staff will provide you with the formal bill and invoice for your claim with your own insurer. |
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就诊时我是否需要携带保险卡和身份证件? Do I need to take my insurance card and ID card/passport? 回答:是的。因为不同保险公司的理赔要求条款不一样,所以某些保险公司只要求客户就诊时出具保险卡就足够;但有些保险公司要求客户必须向医院同时提供保险卡和买保险时使用的有效身份证明(身份证或户口本或护照)。若要了解自己的保险就诊时需要携带的证件,可先咨询我们工作人员。 A: Yes. As different companies have different rules,some insurance companies require the clients to present insurance card only but some require both the insurance card and ID card/passport(the ID card or the passport should be the one you used for the purchase of the insurance). You can also consult our staff before your visit. 建议您在前往新世纪就诊时始终携带保险卡和有效身份证明。 We recommend you to take both of your insurance card and your ID card/passport. |
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我的保险与新世纪有直付协议,是否还需要支付什么费用? If I can use direct billing, is it possible to incur extra charges? 回答:根据您保单内容,您需要在就诊日结清自付部分(包括,但不限于保险年度免赔额、共同自付部分,不受保之项目、既往的保险理赔拒付部分)。 A: According to your benefits, you need to pay for your self-pay portion(including but not limited to annual deductible, copayment, non-payable items and any costs that has been denied by your insurance company)
建议您在入院就诊前向保险公司查询保障范围。 We suggest that you consult your insurance company about your benefits prior to your appointment. |
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我有保险,如何办理住院手续? I have insurance, how should I deal with the admitting procedure? 回答:需携带以下文件到前台办理入院手续:
A: A. present your insurance card to our staff B. present your ID to our staff C. get the Admission Form from your doctor D. fill out the claim form E. based on the rules, a certain amount of deposit is required before your insurance company provides the GOP 我们工作人员会联系您的保险公司,索要住院担保函。然后,在您办理出院时,根据您的担保函内容,退还押金。 Our staff will contact your insurance company for the GOP and we will return your deposit when you check out of the hospital. |
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如果保险公司在我出院前,仍未出具住院担保函,怎么办? What happens if there is no GOP when Iam about to check out of the hospital? 回答:您需要在出院前支付全部费用。我们会提供账单和发票,以便您向保险公司索赔。 A: You will be required to settle all outstanding amounts upon discharge. We will then issue the hospital invoice for your claim with your insurer. |
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我想咨询购买保险,怎么办? What can I do if I want to buy insurance? 回答:您可以致电医院保险部,我们的电话是:028 6531 1888. A: You can contact our insurance department for consultation. Our contact info is as follows: Tel: 028 6531 1888 Email: cd_service@ncich.com.cn |
William Russell